Friday, February 15, 2013

DIY: Cute Box

My name is Chelsea and I have a very slight case of hoarding. When I say hoarding, I don't mean that I am typing this whilst sitting amongst a pile of trash. What I mean is: I keep things that others might consider useless, to use in an unexpected way in the future.

Such is the case with this little box I remade from a old computer part packaging.

My dad was about to toss it, but as always (being the thoughtful man he is) offered it up to me first. I saw the potential immediately. though it was originally orange, the pull "drawer" completely won me over. 

A few months ago, I found myself needing to organize my desk. I came across the box again and decided it would be the perfect, little, miscellaneous, storage spot. So I set my mind to "glamming" it up a bit and thought up the idea to wrap it in some girly wrapping paper I had left over. 

On the open end, I just folded the paper inward and taped it down. Super simple. 

Best thing about this: you can change it out as little or as much as you like, and if you are careful enough when you unwrap your box, you can easily reuse the same paper if you want to change it back in the future. Another great thing, is you can use up scraps of wrapping paper and if you love a particular wrapping paper, this is a great way to be able to "enjoy" seeing it everyday.

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