Thursday, March 14, 2013

FO: Owl Cable Knit Gloves

Okay, so I swear I'm not obsessed with owls ... though my recent projects might suggest otherwise (a card and now gloves all within a few months).

I knit these up pretty fast a few weeks ago, using a pattern I came up with last year. I had another pair, but gave them away as a gift.

I wanted a glove that was a tight fit, but also comfortable and after playing around a bit with different needle sizes I ended up with these. 

I accomplished making the wrist snug by using a #2 needle and then switching to a #8 to create a more loose fabric for the palm. Another plus to doing it this way is that I negated the increases, thus making it a super easy pattern to follow.

I actually came up with these before I realized there was an already a very similar pattern on Ravelry (this pattern right here). The similarity is almost striking, and completely unintentional. Interestingly, I was thinking about writing my technique + pattern and offering as a free pattern, but alas, I'm thinking mine is still too similar to warrant its own pattern

Oh well ... there are a few more patterns I think would be viable canidates for pattern writing. Hopefully soon.

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